September 2020 Summary

Published in
4 min readOct 3, 2020


We pride ourselves on transparency and credibility, and in that spirit, we wanted to give everyone an update on our progress over the last month.

Dear community,

The DeFi world has experienced some turbulence this month, but at AXIS, we’re keeping a strong momentum! Lots are happening, so let’s dive right into it.


We have announced AND filled the AXIS Co-Builder Rewards Program where the Co-Builders can earn an annual reward rate of 30% and maintain full control over their AXIS tokens.

Since we’ve started AXIS DeFi, many community members have voiced their support for our project. At AXIS DeFi, we’re focused on finding ways to reward our early believers, and to allow them to earn rewards by holding the $AXIS token.

And that’s exactly what this program is all about. It’s designed to include everyone in the community who supports AXIS DeFi and believes in its vision.

Welcome Co-Builders! 😄 You’re an integral part of this family and we will be in constant contact with you.


Looking for ways to earn AXIS tokens? Check out this post where we introduced the 14 Day “Staking AXIS to Earn” event on September 19th, 4:00 AM UTC. This event is capped at 50,000 AXIS, 14 days duration, estimated annualized yield farming rate of 80% and co-launched with one of the leading exchanges

And how was the community reaction? The 50,000 AXIS cap was sold out within hours of launching!

In case you missed it, follow us on telegram and be the first to know about our next staking event.

Of course, if you’re a part of the AXIS Co-Builders family, you can sit back and chill. As part of the exclusive Co-builders perks, you are automatically qualified for this staking campaign. We will calculate and distribute the yield tokens to the wallet address you have registered on file.


We’re very excited to welcome Gabriel Abed to advise our project!

Gabriel is known as a pioneer in the digital currency evolution, having initiated the first use of Central Bank digital currencies. Gabriel has led discussions with leading global authorities such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the United Nations.

Gabriel has also founded the Digital Asset Capital Management (DACM). Its portfolio projects include Algorand, Casper Labs, Harmony and Raven.

Welcome Gabriel! We can’t wait to carry out the AXIS DeFi vision with you.


This month, we added two more players to our engineering team. We’re excited to hire top talents that share our vision and start working for the December 31, 2020 main net target launch.

  • Mike: Financial Engineer and Algorithmic Trader
  • Beidou: Distributed System Engineer

These two are excited about learning cutting edge technology, have good computer science fundamentals (including C++), are deeply experienced and willing to work hard in a startup.


With the newly expanded team, we needed a new office.

My guess is, if you’re reading this Monthly Update Summary, you already know our team is primarily based in Toronto, Canada. Now, would you like to see a photo of our new office? 😃

Decentralized work environment has many perks but also drawbacks. Our team has enjoyed working in our pajamas, taking meeting calls after rolling out of bed, and avoiding the busy commute. On the other hand, it's far more efficient in work in the same space!

Ask Me Anything (AMA)

What’s a month without some AMAs with the global community?

This month, we had a few great AMA sessions with the Russian community (Bithumb Russia) and the Chinese community (


We’ve added our Project Vision along with the Project Roadmap to get there with specific milestones.

You can check out the updated official AXIS DeFi website here.


If you speak Arabic or Persian, you’ll love this news. We’ve added two more AXIS DeFi telegram groups just for those two languages:

These are in addition to the English speaking telegram group and the Chinese speaking wechat groups. If there’s any specific language you’d like to set up, let us know!


The AXIS DeFi project continued to be featured by top Chinese media companies such as BiShiJie (币世界) and JinSe (金色财经).

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It took a lot of hard work, but our team is extremely proud and excited to achieve all of this in September.

If you haven’t already, join our Telegram, Twitter, WeChat and follow us on Medium. These are the places to get the latest announcements about AXIS and our progresses.

